Collete Kroop
MPA Fellows, Class of 2026
Grant Writer and Fund Development Manager, Canal Dock Boathouse, Inc.
Colette Kroop is the Grant Writer and Development Manager for Canal Dock Boathouse in New Haven, CT. After graduating from Simmons College with a dual Bachelors degree in History and Policial Science, they served a term with AmeriCorps as a PreventionCore member. For the next 5 years, Colette served in the Town of Hamden’s Community Development Department, begining as a program assistant and rising to Department Coordinator.
Colette is a current cohort-member of the Nonprofit Management Program for Emerging Leaders of Color, a two-year executive leadership program for middle-management nonprofit staff co-led by the New Haven Community Foundation for Greater New Haven in partnership with the UConn School of Public Policy.