Emily Burnett
MPA, 2022
Planning Analyst, State of Connecticut Office of Policy and Management
Emily Burnett is currently a Planning Analyst in the Grants Unit in the Criminal Justice Policy and Planning Division at the State of Connecticut Office of Policy and Management. The Grants Unit administers federal grants from the Department of Justice as the State Administering Agency. Emily’s primary role is the administrator of the state formula grants from the Office on Violence Against Women including the STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant and the Sexual Assault Services Program. Emily also administers the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program from the Office of Justice Programs and the remaining state funds of the Body-Worn Camera program authorized under the Police Accountability Bill.
Emily’s work in administration includes monitoring for compliance, working with stakeholders, and tracking contracts, applications, and reporting at the state and federal levels. Emily began this role through the Connecticut Career Trainee program after graduating from the
MPA program where Emily was a Fast-Track student. In Emily’s graduate year she served as a Graduate Assistant in Community Outreach at UConn for the one-time volunteer programs and was briefly the Interim Site Manager for the UConn Jumpstart Program. Throughout Emily’s undergraduate studies, she was involved in community outreach at UConn, allowing her to practice the skills she learned as a fast-track student. Emily completed a Bachelor’s degree at UConn with a double major in Political Science and Human Rights.