Jessica Muirhead
MPA (Fellows), 2020
Executive Director, MyCTSavings
Jessica Muirhead (MPA ’20) is the Executive Director of the Connecticut Retirement Security Program, or “MyCTSavings,” a state-facilitated automatic-IRA savings program for employees who lack access to a retirement benefit in their workplace. The fourth program of its kind to launch in the country, MyCTSavings was created by law in 2016 to help employees easily and automatically save for a dignified retirement. Jessica joined the effort in 2020 through the Office of the State Comptroller and lead the execution of the program, including establishing its operational structure and business contracts, developing the outreach and marketing plan, overseeing its pilot phase, and ushering in the program’s state-wide launch in 2022. MyCTSavings now serves thousands of employers and employees across the Connecticut to build a more secure future for its hardworking workforce.
A Connecticut and Hartford County native, Jessica has found fulfillment in a career of public and non-profit service at Brown University, the University of Connecticut, the Capitol Region Council of Governments, and now at the Connecticut Office of the State Comptroller. Jessica was honored to be named an AARP Retirement Security Champion in 2022 for the work on the retirement security program and is also a UConn alumna twice: prior to the MPA Executive Track program, Jessica also earned a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (’09) from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.