When searching for graduate programs, Burton Guion was looking for a small graduate program with a strong public finance curriculum. He wanted a program that focused on state and local government that was not federally oriented. Prior to joining the Department of Public Policy’s (DPP) Master of Public Policy (MPP) program, Burt also applied to the University of Wisconsin and University of Indiana. After living by Lake Michigan for three years he was unsure if he wanted to make a big move. Burt explains, “I enrolled at UConn because I got a sense that the department culture was much friendlier and more laid back than at the other places I applied.”

For the 2019-2020 academic year, Burt completed a Graduate Assistantship as a Research Assistant with Professor Yusun Kim. He helped Professor Kim expand her research on Medicaid and intergovernmental fiscal relationships. Professor Kim focused on how Medicaid financing works during natural disasters, and Burt was able to learn about Medicaid financing and the difference between a ‘disaster’ and an ’emergency.’ He encourages students to take her coursework on health policy and health economics because of her expansive knowledge on the topics.
For his Internship and Professional Practice (IPP), Burt is working with South Central Regional Council of Governments (SCRCOG) as part of their “Shared Regional Services” team. He works with fellow MPP student Daria Larson and DPP alum Andy Cirioli (MPA ‘20). At his IPP, Burt is working on efforts to address the lack of affordable housing in the region.
After graduation Burt sees a few possibilities. He is interested in becoming a budget analyst for a state or large city or county. City management in general is something he finds interesting, and he has explored fellowship opportunities in this field. Burt is also looking at positions at municipal finance advisory firms. He says, “I like the idea of getting to work with several different cities/towns on budget issues.” In addition to an MPP, Burt will also be earning a Graduate Certificate in Public Financial Management.