Staff Spotlight with Rosie Enyart

Rosie Enyart serves as a Program Coordinator for the University of Connecticut’s (UConn) School of Public Policy (SPP). We recently caught up with Rosie at the Stamford campus to learn about where her love of public service. Check out her response below!

Rosie Enyart

My passion for public service began in 2014 as a domestic violence advocate at a local nonprofit. On my first task, driving a client to a safe house, Whitney Houston’s rendition of “I’m Every Woman” came on the radio, prompting an impromptu, harmonic sing-along with my colleague and the client. This unforgettable moment filled us with hope and laughter at a moment that otherwise may have felt somber and daunting to the client. Public service creates opportunity for unexpected human connections that enrich both others and myself.

Posted by Kish, Lian in Staff