GAPPS-ICMA Vice President: Emma Paynter

The Graduate Association of Public Policy (GAPPS-ICMA) – International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is the primary organization for the UConn School of Public Policy (SPP). Its goal is to serve as a social and intellectual forum for students pursuing a degree or certificate in the School. GAPPS-ICMA is committed to public service, professional development, and having fun. Throughout the academic year GAPPS-ICMA hosts a number of events that enrich students’ social and academic experiences.

GAPPS is an International City/County Management Association (ICMA) student organization.

Masters of Public Policy (MPP) student Emma Paynter is this year’s GAPPS-ICMA Vice President. Her public service career began in the fourth grade when she presented on recycling at a town meeting. Utilizing the classic “Wake Up America” by Miley Cyrus she talked about where items could go and how to maximize environmental benefits. Emma presented with her mom and was mortified at having to stand and present. She explains,

Although I do not like public speaking or listening to that song all that much, since then, I have gotten better and learned that communication is essential for public service in knowing how to prioritize between a want and a need and a recyclable item. For any love of public service, you have to start somewhere!

Her journey to the MPP came at a time where she was also considering degrees in public health or energy and environmental management. Seeing that policy overlaps with almost any topic, she decided to pursue the MPP. This year Emma’s love of service will extend to the Dean’s Office at UConn Hartford. For her Internship and Professional Practice (IPP) placement, Emma will work in the Office of the Dean as a Higher Education Intern. She will gain direct, practical and diverse experiences in leading and managing an urban-based public institution of higher education.

She encourages new students to follow their dreams. Emma adds, “There can be hard work sometimes so try to introduce yourself to classmates and make new friends. They can help you with problems in classes, and just make your day better.” Her favorite memory was volunteering at the Celebration to Honor the 2024 SPP Graduates. She describes,

Governor Ned Lamont and President Maric came, which I think highlights how important and influential the SPP graduates are. All of the other GAPPS-ICMA 2024-2025 officers were there, and we planned for the future and got free pizza! It is great to see how we are very connected as students in and out of the Hartford Times Building.

After graduation she hopes to work in environmental justice and noted an interest in maybe working at the United Nations on environmental/international environmental policy. Emma plans to start at the local level on sustainability in municipalities or utilize her UConn connections to find legislative work dealing with environmental justice. No matter where she heads next, Emma hopes to make the best impact.