Defining Moments with UConn DPP

Jason Jakubowski, MPA '01
Jason Jakubowski, MPA ’01

The Summer Edition of UConn Today was recently released and features two members of the Department of Public Policy’s (DPP) network! This edition, entitled “Our Defining Moments,” highlighted Jason Jakubowski, MPA ’01. Jason is the CEO and President of CT Foodshare, and was featured for the nonprofit’s emergency distribution system at Rentschler Field, which has been providing food to Connecticut families since March.

Associate Professor Thomas Craemer was also interviewed by CLAS alum Maya A. Moore about reparation payments for American slavery in an article entitled “The New Reparations Math”. The interview occurred just before campus closed mid-way through the spring semester. Craemer discusses various points of reparation payments throughout global history and provides an anecdote about his friendship with a Holocaust survivor who received one of these payments.

Moore’s “In the Moment” note at the bottom of the article addresses the impact of COVID-19, telling a story that many have experienced throughout this pandemic. Loss, confusion, waiting and trying to find routine are some of the hallmarks that Moore highlights. In this ever-changing time the DPP hopes that you and yours are remaining healthy and safe. Know we are here to support you.