GAPPS-ICMA President: Chase Prentiss

The Graduate Association of Public Policy (GAPPS-ICMA) – International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is the primary organization for the UConn School of Public Policy (SPP). Its goal is to serve as a social and intellectual forum for students pursuing a degree or certificate in the School. GAPPS-ICMA is committed to public service, professional development, and having fun. Throughout the academic year GAPPS-ICMA hosts a number of events that enrich students’ social and academic experiences.

GAPPS is an International City/County Management Association (ICMA) student organization.

A photo of GAPPS-ICMA President Chase PrentissMaster of Public Policy (MPP) student Chase Prentiss is this year’s GAPPS-ICMA President.

His interest in politics and public service began in high school during the 2016 presidential election. A sophomore in high school at the time, Chase saw adults more focused on politics than ever before. As a result he began learning more about political issues and developing his own views. He explains, ” …my interest in public service, as I imagine is true for most of my peers, came from a desire to remedy some of these issues.” The aim to gain quantitative skills towards a PhD in Political Science led him to the MPP. Now he is unsure if plans to continue on for further education, but regardless he believes the MPP will give him the tools to “remedy problems in our country.”

This academic year Chase will be completing an Internship and Professional Practice (IPP) placement with the Connecticut Restaurant Association (CRA) as a Public Affairs and Events intern. This past semester he served as a Program Committee Coordinator for the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) 2024 Social Equity Leadership Conference (SELC). This year’s conference was co-hosted by SPP at the UConn Stamford campus.

When asked about his favorite SPP memory so far, Chase had this to say

Lately I’ve been more appreciative of what most people would understandably consider mundane. So, my favorite memories of SPP have been walks around Hartford when the weather is nice, and just enjoying that time since the time we have here as students is so fleeting.

He encourages incoming students to be open to any and all opportunities. Even though it may feel difficult and scary at first, he encourages them to try and meet new people. He adds, “…I cannot convey how much better it will make this experience for you.” After graduation Chase hopes to use his SPP skill sets to help people, and is open to opportunities. That being said, the new opportunity has to be somewhere warm!