MPA Student Serves Through Public Financial Management

A photo of Tim WhiteTim White joined the School of Public Policy (SPP) as a Fast-Track student while pursuing a bachelor’s degree in political science at the University of Connecticut (UConn). His admiration for public service began at home where he saw his parents work for the State of Connecticut and volunteer with nonprofits. Tim explains,

This admiration motivated me to join in my town’s volunteer fire department at 17 and (I) continue to be an active member. It is in the service of others that I learned to love public service.

This academic year he will work to complete his Masters of Public Administration (MPA) as a full-time graduate student. He will also complete a graduate certificate in Public Financial Management. For Tim SPP was a way to pursue a passion for helping others at all levels of government. Along the way he has learned the meaning of public service both inside and outside of the classroom.

This summer Tim interned for the federal government and was based out of Virginia. During this experience he gained skills related to the federal budget, financial analysis, budget management, and planning budgeting and forecasting. He also applied analytical and critical thinking skills he obtained from SPP. For the 2024-2025 academic year Tim will continue to work in the area of finance for his Internship and Professional Practice (IPP) placement with the Town of Bolton, CT. During his internship he will be assisting town officials with budget planning and execution of tax dollars for the betterment of the town.

Throughout his time with SPP Tim has enjoyed meeting his classmates and learning about the different ways they plan to use their SPP degree. After graduation he hopes to work for the federal government with the goal of improving our country any way he can. Best of luck to Tim and the class of 2025 as they complete their IPP placements this year!