Upcoming Undergraduate Coursework with the DPP (Fall and Summer 2021)

Course registration for summer and fall 2021 is now underway. Below is a recap of upcoming offerings with the Department of Public Policy (DPP).

Summer 2021

  • PP 1001 Introduction to Public Policy (Instructor: Simonsen)
    • Public policy history and institutions, government administration and systems, policy analysis, contemporary policy issues, polling and influences on policy making. CA 2.
    • May Term: May 10 – May 28 (Online)
  • PP 3020W Cases in Public Policy (Instructor: Hatmaker)
    • Exploration of policy analysis using case studies on various contemporary policy topics.
    • Summer Session 1: June 1 – July 2 (Online)
  • PP 3033/AFRA 3033 Race and Policy (Instructor: Craemer)
    • Examination of contemporary public policy through the lens of race.
    • Alternative Summer Session 2: July 12 – August 20 (Online)

Fall 2021

  • PP 1001 Introduction to Public Policy
    • Public policy history and institutions, government administration and systems, policy analysis, contemporary policy issues, polling and influences on policy making. CA 2.
    • Storrs Campus: Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30-10:45am (Instructor: Dautrich)
    • Hartford Campus: Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00-3:15pm (Instructor: TBD)
  • PP 3020W Cases in Public Policy (Instructor: TBD)
    • Exploration of policy analysis using case studies on various contemporary policy topics.
    • Campus: Storrs
    • Days and Times: Wednesday from 5-7:30pm
  • PP 3030 Public Opinion and Democratic Processes (Instructor: Dineen)
    • Concepts, theories, structure, and substance of public opinion.
    • Online
  • PP 3098 Public Policy Issues: Health Policy (Instructor: Kim)
    • This course provides an introduction to the theoretical backgrounds and frameworks to think about the health care market and the role of public policies in this market. The first part of the course examines the market for health care, where health care is considered as a good that can be purchased in a market. Then we discuss various issues in economic modeling of the health care market, with special attention to asymmetric information, externalities and health insurance. In the middle of the course we explore different examples of established health care systems around the world. Finally, we focus on various issues involving public health insurance in the United States and survey broad topics related to the development and implementation of health policy, such as mandates, tax policy and pharmaceutical regulation.
    • Campus: Hartford
    • Days and Times: Monday from 6:30-9pm
  • PP 3098 Public Policy Issues: Administrative Functions of Local Government (Instructor: Hart)
    • In this course students will examine the characteristic functions of local government management, such as finance & administration, human services, parks & recreation, planning & zoning, public safety, and public works. The focus will be on understanding of the structure and role of local governments, learning about issues critical to the operation and effectiveness of local governments in Connecticut and elsewhere, and gaining an appreciation for current trends in public management thought and practice.
    • Campus: Hartford
    • Days and Times: Monday from 6:30-9pm
  • PP 4034 Social Policy (Instructor: Barrett)
    • This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to social policy. Students will examine the power structures that promote or deny policy, various theories put forth to understand how social policy decisions are made, and the underlying theories, logics, and social contexts that guide particular social policies.
    • Campus: Hartford
    • Days and Times: Monday from 6:30-9pm

Interested in taking graduate coursework toward a master’s degree in public administration (MPA), public policy (MPP) or survey research (MASR)? Consider the Fast-Track program and email dpp@uconn.edu for more information.

Posted by Kish, Lian in MPA, MPP