Looking for textbooks or new UConn apparel for the upcoming semester? Look no further than the Barnes & Noble Hartford Bookstore! The bookstore has a variety of textbook options, including new, used and ebooks. You can find your textbooks using this link and selecting the Hartford and Law campus from the dropdown menu. Enter the term, department, course, and section and the site will direct you to your required textbooks. You can purchase apparel by visiting the Hartford location, or by calling 860-263-2266. You can also order merchandise online at www.uconn.bncollege.com, however please note that the selection of merchandise online and in store will differ. If you need a caffeine boost, Starbucks is located inside Barnes & Noble and information about hours of operations and online ordering can be found here. Please “like” the Facebook page, @uconngreaterhartford to be notified about upcoming UConn and community events!