SPP Operations Coordinator Joins the Governors Education and STEAM Subcommittee

Photo of Maura Maloney on October 25, 2022
Maura Maloney, SPP Operations Coordinator (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

School of Public Policy (SPP) Operations Coordinator Maura Maloney was recently invited by SPP alum Janice Floyd (MPA ’22) to join the Governor’s Council on Women and Girls Education and STEAM subcommittee. Janice serves as Subcommittee Lead which is co-chaired by Commissioner Sibongile Magubane from the Department of Motor Vehicles and Executive Director Tim Larson from the Office of Higher Education.

The purpose of the Education and STEAM subcommittee is to encourage educational advancement for women and girls, particularly in the areas of science, technology, engineering, the arts and math. The subcommittee is dedicated to:

  • Establish career pathway programs to keep talent in the state
  • Strengthen arts infrastructure and integrate arts with mainstream careers
  • Communicate opportunities and increase public awareness in STEAM fields
  • Promote inclusion of girls in technology fields and negate the “middle school cliff” where girls lose interest in STEAM after the seventh grade

The committee offers an information hub website to communicate opportunities and increase public awareness in STEAM fields, and a new STEAM Internship toolkit to guide employers in creating their internship program. The  Lt. Governor’s Computing Challenge  will commence this week.

Maura has been concerned with issues of women and girls in STEM and is honored to be a part of this subcommittee. Congratulations Maura!