Full Name: Nicholas Dally
Title and Organization: Police Lieutenant, Town of Windsor, CT
SPP Degree and Graduation Year: MPA Fellow, ‘24
Nicholas Dally has a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Safety Administration from Charter Oak State College, and is a lieutenant who currently oversees planning and research for the Windsor Police Department. He has led his department’s efforts in attaining law enforcement accreditation and serves as the coordinator of his department’s peer support program, commander of the honor guard unit, commander of the North Central Municipal Emergency Services Team, and the head of their social media team. Nicholas Dally was also a sergeant in the United States Marine Corps, and served as a Motor Operator and a Machine Gunner.
In October 2023, Nicholas Dally was named an International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) 40 Under 40 Awardee. This award recognizes 40 law enforcement professionals under the age of 40 from around the world who demonstrate leadership, exemplifying commitment to their profession, and have a positive impact on their communities and the field of policing.