2024 SRDA Academic Excellence Awardee: Hope DeJohn

Headshot of Hope Dejohn
Hope Dejohn, SRDA ’24

Full Name: Hope DeJohn

Title and Organization: Lead Radiologic Technologist, Bristol Hospital and Health Care Group, Inc. 

SPP Degree and Graduation Year: SRDA, ‘24

Hope DeJohn is a 2024 graduate of the UConn Master of Arts in Survey Research and Data Analysis (SRDA) program. She earned her undergraduate degree in Radiologic Sciences at Quinnipiac University in 2019. Her internship explored social-emotional learning outcomes at an area elementary school, however her research interests are geared towards healthcare. She currently works as a Lead Radiologic Technologist at a local hospital and has experience training and working in various patient care settings, which has helped her gain insight on disparities in healthcare. Her career goal for the future is to use survey research to examine how differing patient conditions and demographics impact the patient care experience. She is looking forward to what career opportunities her degree may bring her in the future!