GAPPS-ICMA Secretary: Noel Sosnoski

The Graduate Association of Public Policy (GAPPS-ICMA) – International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is the primary organization for the UConn School of Public Policy (SPP). Its goal is to serve as a social and intellectual forum for students pursuing a degree or certificate in the School. GAPPS-ICMA is committed to public service, professional development, and having fun. Throughout the academic year GAPPS-ICMA hosts a number of events that enrich students’ social and academic experiences.

GAPPS is an International City/County Management Association (ICMA) student organization.

The words "GAPPS-ICMA Secretary Noel Sosnoski" with a photo of Noel.Masters of Public Administration (MPA) student Noel Sosnoski found a love for public service while serving as an Infantry Officer in the United States Army. His experience with serving the public began in high school when he worked as a supervisor for his town’s “Parks and Rec” department. Noel explains,

…my decision to make it a career came after graduating college and commissioning as an officer in the Connecticut Army National Guard. It was then that I learned there is no career more rewarding than serving in a public service-oriented organization that was bigger than myself.

In 2020 he applied to the MPA after working for the Federal Government as a Contract Specialist. His enrollment was delayed due to deployment overseas between 2021 and 2022. After gaining experience in the private sector he decided to re-enroll and transition back to a career in the public sector.

This summer Noel interned with the Connecticut State Senate as a Policy Analyst. He focused on the Housing committee and Planning & Development committee. This upcoming year he will be working with the Connecticut General Assembly and Town of Simsbury’s Town Manager’s Office to gain additional exposure to state and local government.

Noel’s favorite SPP memory was working with the Mayor’s Office for the City of Hartford for a project during PP 5363: Local Government Leadership & Management. This course with SPP alum and Adjunct Professor Matt Hart allowed students to provide recommendations to the City’s Anchor Collaborative Project. They presented to Mayor Arunan Arulampalam earlier this summer. For students entering the classroom this fall Noel encourages them to,

Take advantage of as many opportunities as you can while in this program! The most amazing aspect of this program is the connections with nonprofits, state, and local government organizations. Get involved with student organizations and pay attention during the professional development opportunities offered, and you’ll be amazed what doors are open to you.

After graduation Noel is debating career paths at the Connecticut State Senate or in local government management. You might see him in the future as a Policy or Legislative Analyst at the former or maybe a Town Manager some day in the later. He hopes his internships this year will give him insight to decide on which career to pursue. We wish Noel and all of our SPP Huskies the best of luck this semester!