In August, Assistant Professor Kerri Raissian discussed gun violence, domestic violence and the role of regulation and public policy on The Full Story WHSU, an NPR news podcast. The podcast is hosted by journalist Ron Ropiak and was aimed toward discussing the possibility of Connecticut and New York being viewed as a model for the nation in passing tough gun laws.
Prior to pursuing her PhD, she worked with domestic violence victims. She has also been published in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management regarding the 1996 Federal Gun Control Act Expansion and its effect on domestic homicides.

In April, she hosted a conference for junior and senior scholars to present, debate and discuss research on gun safety, gun policy creation and efficacy of gun policies. Following this event, she was invited to participate in the Legislative Informational Forum on Fun Safety and Public Health with Assistant Professor In-Residence Jennifer Dineen. State Representatives Jillian Gilchrest, Matthew Ritter, and Christine Palm, as well as a panel of leaders in healthcare, law and policy also participated.
This fall, she will be teaching “Cases in Public Policy” and “Child and Family Policy” in Storrs. The former is open to undergraduates, and the latter is open to both undergraduate and graduate students. In Hartford she will be teaching “Introduction to Public Policy and Management” to graduate students.