SRDA Student Joins AAPOR’s Executive Council

A photo of Luis TipanMaster of Arts in Survey Research and Data Analysis (SRDA) candidate Luis Tipan was recently named to the American Association for Public Opinion Research’s (AAPOR) Executive Council. He also serves as the Director of Statistical Weighting at SSRS. 

Luis’s path to data and surveying is multifaceted, with the most valuable element being mentorship. While pursuing a bachelors in Economics, International Relations and Hispanic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) he completed a senior thesis and served as a research intern with Universities as Sites of Citizenship (USC). With USC he found an appreciation for problem-solving and teamwork skills. He also focused on the generation of a cross-national comparative statistical study of universities as agents for civic engagement. He explains,

From a problem-solving standpoint, the endeavor to compile a representative sample of higher education institutions to be aggregated at the national and international levels was enlightening.  From a teamwork perspective, the efforts to establish relationships with private organizations, introducing our project to universities, identifying student groups and faculty who can administer our surveys, and the larger impact of the opportunity for participating universities in becoming incented to join the International Consortium for Higher Education, Civic Responsibility and Democracy, were equally fulfilling.  While working on the USC project I cultivated the analytical and interpersonal qualifications to further delve into specialized research.

The SRDA and joining School of Public Policy (SPP) provided a unique opportunity for Luis to acquire an interdisciplinary education. With the SRDA he can complement his goal of becoming an agent fostering the creation of insightful research. Luis hopes to continue conducting innovative analysis and dreams of evolving as a practice generator of valid and executable data. With a passion for lifelong learning and field experiences, he has sought to construct a framework by drawing perspectives across disciplines. 

After attending UPenn and joining SSRS, Luis became involved with the Pennsylvania and New Jersey Chapter of AAPOR (PANJAAPOR). With PA and NJ’s AAPOR membership, he held roles as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chair and Past-President. Since joining AAPOR National, Luis has served with AAPOR’s Affinity Groups and Honorary Lifetime Members (HLMs) as Chair of Affinity Groups. With HLMs he helped to initiate their official roles, and provide them with a platform in the Executive Council. Luis hopes to promote a sense of belonging across all membership, and serves on the HLM Inclusion and Equity Committee. For the Hispanic community, Luis was Co-Chair of HISP-AAPOR. 

Over the last two years he has provided guidance on the creation of Two Affinity Groups including The Establishment Survey and The Black and African American Public Opinion Research groups. He also helped all Affinity Groups come together, and has provided assistance with their outreach objectives. For the first time in AAPOR’s history, he has helped to ensure that each Affinity Group has a table at the National Conference’s Welcome Reception. 

Earlier this year Luis was elected to the role of Associate Inclusion Chair with AAPOR’s Executive Council. He says, 

I am grateful for and cherish the opportunity to continue collaborating with my AAPOR family on the DEIJAE projects I have had the pleasure of working on for years. I am excited to see what else AAPOR can achieve by working together. 

Luis plans to expand his role as subcommittee Chair of Inclusion & Equity, Co-Chair of HISP-AAPOR and DEI Chair of PA/NJ AAPOR. He hopes to foster a nurturing and inclusive culture, create strategic partnerships within AAPOR and non-AAPOR affiliates and invest in education and research pipelines. For Luis this means investing in students, young professionals and future AAPOR leaders. He adds,

In sum, the goal is to promote access for all members rather than rely on the power of a select few. Highlighting the spirit of equitable access has been and will be at the core of my work. I understand the importance of supporting leaders who recognize everyone’s strengths and who ensure that everyone has a voice.

Congratulations to Luis! We can not wait to see his continued IMPACT with AAPOR!