Celebrating the Class of 2024

The class of 2024 on the stairs of the BushnellOn Monday, May 6th the School of Public Policy (SPP) held a celebration to honor the 2024 SPP graduates. The evening celebrated 27 Public Policy (MPP), four Survey Research and Data Analysis (SRDA), 51 Public Administration (MPA) and 19 MPA Fellows graduates. They hailed from Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Idaho, New York, New Jersey and Washington, D.C. Graduates also held dual citizenship of Bangladesh, Nigeria, Jamaica and Canada. 

Professor Kerri Raissian served as the Mistress of Ceremony, and highlighted how faculty have two favorite days of the year. Orientation is when students are welcomed, and graduation is when students are celebrated. During this time we also reflect on their achievements. She said, “and when this celebration is over, we know the world will be a better place as this cohort of change makers addresses all sorts of public challenges.” For the last seven years SPP has addressed public challenges under the leadership of School Director Mohamad Alkadry. This celebration was his final as School Director and he will return to faculty this fall. 

President Maric at the podiumMohamad’s remarks addressed how the graduates are joining a network of alumni who are making a difference in communities and organizations in Connecticut and around the nation. The ceremony occurred during National Public Service Recognition Week, and Mohamad encouraged all public servants in attendance to stand and be recognized for their service. He then asked the graduates to:

  • Send us good students, and hire our interns and graduates.
  • Mentor a graduate student, and help them prepare for their interview or join our students in professional activities.
  • Stay in touch and come to events. 

After Mohamad, the University of Connecticut’s (UConn) 17th President, Radenka Maric, welcomed the graduates and their support systems to the celebration. President Maric emphasized that as huskies our graduates are persistent, hard working, resilient and winners! She asked our SPP graduates to be flexible, take opportunities, not fear, always have mentors and be the best version of themselves. Her remarks ended with a call to action to make our planet better for all of us. 

President Maric then welcomed Governor Ned Lamont to the stage as the evening’s Keynote Speaker. Governor Lamont spoke about the impact of public service across our great state. His remarks talked about a recent accident in Norwalk, which required public servants from multiple disciplines to address the multifaceted problem. The Governor stressed that our graduates are needed to solve these kinds of problems which require thought about broader goals alongside community and societal impact. His words touched on the lasting impact our graduates can have and how their actions today can make a difference in 10 or 20 years. In these pursuits, he told our graduates to “…find what you have in common and walk in the other person’s shoes. And listen more than you talk, and galvanize the ideas that turn public policy into reality.” He concluded his keynote, calling upon the graduates to stand up for the people they will serve every day. Governor Lamont at the podium

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) Associate Dean for Social Sciences, Regional Campuses, and Community Engagement Bandana Purkayastha followed the Governor with Dean’s remarks. She shared a thought from polymath Rabindranath Tagore, who was the first non white person to win the Nobel Prize for literature in 1913. Her words expressed how large rivers sustain us but start out as small energetic streams. These streams overcome obstacles and gain the skills necessary to contribute to the larger rivers. Our graduates, she noted, will shape the future just like the streams, and will sustain our state, the nation and issues around the world through their energy. 

Student Speaker Sudiksha Mallick followed Dean Purkayastha’s remarks. Sudiksha said, “If this program taught me anything, I’m not just one individual, but we are all individuals, within a community built to carry each other forward.” She thanked the faculty, staff and her fellow students for showing up for her and each other. Her words centered around community, and the importance of utilizing ones voice, kindness, compassion and energy to make a difference. 

Following Sudiksha was the presentation of our 2024 awards. You can read more about each awardee below by clicking on their name below! We also published features on Sudiksha and Governor Lamont earlier this Commencement Season.

SPP faculty with President Maric, Dean Purkayastha and Governor LamontOur 2024 Public Policy Distinguished Alumni Awardee was Greenwich Fire Department, Deputy Chief Shawn Morris. Deputy Chief Morris provided remarks that encouraged our graduates to build their networks and strengthen the connections amongst their fellow graduates. He advised the graduates to think about their approach to small seemingly insignificant tasks as they will be indicators on how they approach larger tasks. His advice also included being aware of imposter syndrome as they are deserving of their seat, and walking into this next chapter with pride and as good stewards of their organizations. At the conclusion of his remarks Deputy Chief Morris told our graduates that “failure is success in progress” and to take chances. You can learn more about Shawn in a recent feature on our website.

After the presentation of the awards, our Mistress of Ceremonies presented our graduates.

Master of Public Administration Fellows: Asmaa Al-Hashimi • Daniel M. Baker • Deborah R. Battit • Madison Carol Csejka • Nicholas Dally • Karen Bleakley Hasterok • Edmund J. Klein • Aaron P. Knight • Bridget M. Koestner • Rena Lewis • Nicholas V. Marinelli • Kereema McDonald • Annemarie C. Menna • Iris C. Ortiz • Kevin M. Perreault • Ludwig S. Pulaski • Manuel A. Rivera • Nicole Sanclemente • Carrie M. Titolo

Master of Public Administration: Kemrodge A. Bell •Sheylian Berrios-Hernandez • Rachel A. Boward • Valentina Campillo • Brighten B. Critchfield • Kyle X. Cyr • Anna Bella R. D’Amico • Trevor E. Hoffman • Joshua Hull • Lizzette I. Irizarry • Samantha J. King • Jack Kornas • Matthew B. Lizon • Elena F. Lofgren • Emily Lucke • Wilisha Malla • Abigail E. McVerry • Emily R. Menard • Kallysia H. Raymond • Taylor L. Reed • Karishma Rentia • Dontaé E. Richards • Mercy Sarpong • Kellie Ann Sartoris • Shaina K. Stamp • Michael Stoll • Umme Samura Tasnim • Analys Torres • B. Isaiah Tuling-Field • Thea A. Vaz • Brianna S. Vig • Grace E. Vino

Master of Public Policy: Kader Akpinar Amaka Atuegbu Alexander Bentley Nicholas F. Benvenuto Katie Breslin Katherine J. Connors Natiel Cooper Lindsay Drotman Brendon J. Dukett Taylor J. Fenerty Nicholas Stephen Hall Victoria Hummel Victoria Jaskaran • Sudiksha Mallick Amealia Maynard Noah Miller Sylvia Carolina Murray Elsie M. Newcombe Chelsea L. Osei Andy Pixley Jessica Frances Power Shurovi Rahman Laura A. Rodriguez Lora Adriana Sanchez Dominicci Melanie Sanclemente Trevor J. Schantz Jacob T. Sondik

Master of Arts in Survey Research and Data Analysis: Jason Boghosian • Hope E. DeJohn • Georgina Pizzolitto • Natalka Tuczkewycz

Alumni Council President Christopher Brechlin (Director of Data & Digital Systems at COMPASS Youth Collaborative) then welcomed the graduates to the SPP Alumni Network at the conclusion of the presentation. His words reflected on how the graduates have engaged with our alumni network, and displayed ways thatthey could do the same for our current students. He concluded his remarks with a quote from Taylor Swift stating, “No matter what happens in life, be good to people and being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.” Professor Raissian then concluded the ceremony by welcoming the graduates to their alumni era. President Maric then led the faculty and graduates in a procession. The faculty wore light up glasses to the sound of Taylor Swift.

Congratulations to our 2024 Huskies! We can not wait to see what impact you will have!

Have information to share with our network? Let Director of Social Media Lian Kish know at sppmedia@uconn.edu