Author: Kish, Lian

MPA Student Supports Benhaven’s DEI Council

Master of Public Administration (MPA) student Brianna (Bri) Vig is currently interning at Benhaven. With UConn School of Public Policy (SPP) she is able to complete a Sponsored Internship with the organization, which assists families and children with autism and other developmental disorders. As the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) intern, she helps Benhaven’s newly formed DEI […]

Recapping Research with Professor Deneen Hatmaker

This year UConn School of Public Policy (SPP) Professor Deneen Hatmaker received two awards for publications in the area of human resource management. The Review of Public Personnel Administration (ROPPA) named “Gender, Race, and Experiences of Workplace Incivility in Public Organizations” as a co-winner for the Best Article Award for Volume 41. Professor Hatmaker’s co-authors […]

Recapping with the Children with Incarcerated Parents Initiative

This year the Institute for Municipal and Regional Policy’s (IMRP) CT Children with Incarcerated Parents Initiative (CTCIP) was featured in the news twice this year. The Initiative was featured by NBC Connecticut for a piece entitled “Playground at York Correctional Will be Newest Tool to Connect Incarcerated Moms With Their Kids” about York Correctional Institute. This […]

Recapping Research with Professor Jinhai Yu

UConn School of Public Policy (SPP) Professor Jinhai Yu joined SPP in August 2022. This year he published three articles in public administration journals. Jinhai coauthored a paper entitled “Job Satisfaction and Citizen Satisfaction with Street-level Bureaucrats: Is There a Satisfaction Mirror?” with Professor Nicolai Petrovsky (City University of Hong Kong) and Professor Ge Xin […]

Recapping Research with Professor Ruodan Zhang

UConn School of Public Policy (SPP) Professor Ruodan Zhang  became a faculty affiliate for the Sustainable Global Cities Initiative (SGCI) in 2022. In this capacity, Ruodan plays an active role in building and expanding city research at UConn. She is currently working on forthcoming research with Professor Haohan Chen (The University of Hong Kong) and […]

Recapping Research with the CT Sentencing Commission

The Connecticut Sentencing Commission reviews, researches and makes recommendations regarding Connecticut’s criminal justice system. It is a supported by the Institute of Municipal and Regional Policy (IMRP) at UConn’s School of Public Policy (SPP). IMRP’s professional staff provides the administrative resources necessary to support the Commission’s mission. The Commission’s Chairperson is Justice David Borden and […]

Recapping Research with Professor Yusun Kim

UConn School of Public Policy (SPP) Professor Yusun Kim has a forthcoming book chapter entitled ”The Role of Cities and Public Health Expenditures in the COVID-19 Era.” Her contribution will be in Craig Johnson, Tima Moldogaziev and Justin Ross’s “Research Handbook on City and Municipal Finance”. She also has a forthcoming publication in the National […]

Recapping Research with Professor Kerri Raissian

UConn School of Public Policy (SPP) Professor Kerri Raissian was appointed earlier this year to the Governor’s Commission on Community Gun Violence Intervention and Prevention. A fews ago she accepted an additional responsibility of chairing the subcommittee on Data Evaluation and Analysis of Grant funded programs. The charge of the committee is not just about […]

IMRP Conducts a Cannabis Study for the CT Social Equity Council

The Institute for Municipal and Regional Policy (IMRP) is currently conducting a Cannabis Study for the CT Social Equity Council (SEC). The Council was developed to ensure the equitable growing of cannabis and the distribution of funds from the adult-use cannabis program to communities impacted the most by the “war on drugs.” UConn School of Public Policy professors Mohamad […]