Author: Kish, Lian

GAPPS-ICMA 22-23 Vice President: Mary Greenwell

The Graduate Association of Public Policy (GAPPS-ICMA) – International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is the primary organization for the UConn School of Public Policy (SPP). Its goal is to serve as a social and intellectual forum for students pursuing a degree or certificate in the School. GAPPS-ICMA is committed to public service, professional development, and having […]

GAPPS-ICMA 22-23 President: Jack O’Connor

The Graduate Association of Public Policy (GAPPS-ICMA) – International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is the primary organization for the UConn School of Public Policy (SPP). Its goal is to serve as a social and intellectual forum for students pursuing a degree or certificate in the School. GAPPS-ICMA is committed to public service, professional development, and having […]

SPP Student Combines MPA and STEM Skillsets To Impact Healthcare 

UConn School of Public Policy (SPP) Master of Public Administration (MPA) student Ghammam Mansoor found a passion for public service while growing up in the City of New Haven, Connecticut. He explains, I walked into college aware of how socio-economic disparities can drastically influence some communities’ access to things like housing conditions, education and healthcare. […]

Posted in MPA

August Events 2022

Join the School of Public Policy (SPP) this month for a variety of events!   11:00am – 12:00pm: Participating in a SPP Internship this fall? Make sure to attend this specific orientation to learn about expectations and requirements for the 2022-2023 academic year. 12:30pm – 1:30pm: Hosting a SPP intern this academic year? Attend this […]

MPA Alum Utilizes Financial Skillsets at The Nature Conservancy

School of Public Policy (SPP) alum Ken Huang, first crossed paths with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in 2019. Ken was in Portland, Oregon for an alternative spring break trip with UConn’s chapter of Habitat for Humanity. A former Fast-Track student, Ken completed his Master of Public Administration (MPA) last summer and began working for TNC shortly […]

SPP Staff Member Joins Quest with Leadership Greater Hartford

School of Public Policy (SPP) Administrative Coordinator Wade Gibbs recently joined Leadership Greater Hartford’s (LGH) Quest 2022. The program unites Wade with other high-performing mid-career professionals from sectors across the region. Together Wade and other participants will engage in experiential leadership training within the Hartford community. They will also identify needs and establish task forces to […]

MPA Alum Aims to Increase Biodiversity and Sustainability

School of Public Policy (SPP) Master of Public Administration (MPA) alum Michael (Mike) Baczewski’s business, New England Pollinator Gardens (NEPG) aims to help clients increase their biodiversity and heighten sustainable and ecological impacts. The 100% organic land care company does not use toxic chemicals, harmful pesticides or shortcuts! They do use native plants to the […]

Encore!Connecticut Announces Fall 2022 Instructors and Panelists

Encore!Connecticut is a nationally-recognized program that assists corporate and public sector professionals in gaining the skills needed to transition and lead in the nonprofit sector. The program is proud to announce this fall’s instructors and panelists! Together they will provide our Fellows with 40 hours of managerial and professional education in nonprofit leadership, program management, […]