Author: Kish, Lian

Internship Opportunities at SPP with Director of Engagement Ryan Baldassario

For over fifteen years graduate students in the UConn School of Public Policy (SPP) have been providing valuable services to organizations across Connecticut, and beyond, through the School’s internship programming for Public Administration (MPA) and Public Policy (MPP) students. Whether these students are placed at state agencies, municipalities, or nonprofits, students couple their in-class learning […]

April Events 2022

Join the School of Public Policy (SPP) this month for a variety of events!   Join InCHIP GVP-RIG as they explore how gun misinformation impacts public discourse around gun policy. Panelists will also offer potential solutions to combat misinformation in gun policy conversations. Tuesday April 5, 5:00 – 6:15 PM UConn Hartford, Hartford Times Building […]

Favorite Course Friday: PP 5350 Urban & Regional Policy

Welcome to “Favorite Course Friday”! Throughout the semester we will be highlighting electives available next semester with the School of Public Policy (SPP). Interested in joining the SPP in the classroom next semester? Email for more information! The course will explore the theories and empirical analyses used to explain how spatial economies function and generate […]

MPA Student Runs FOG Education Program at UConn

For the 2021-2022 academic year, Department of Public Policy (DPP) Master of Public Administration (MPA) student Danny Zeidan serves as an Administrative Intern for the Office of Service Learning at UConn. For his Internship and Professional Practice (IPP) Program placement, Danny is in charge of the Office’s Fats, Oils, and Greases (FOG) Education Program. According […]

UConn Gives 2022: Children with Incarcerated Parents Scholarship

1 in 14 children in the United States have experienced the incarceration of a parent whom they have lived with. The Connecticut Children with Incarcerated Parents (CIP) Initiative seeks to gain an understanding of children impacted by parental incarceration and their service-needs through research, evaluation, and outreach activities. The mission for the CIP Initiative is […]

Members of the SPP Network Named to HBJ Power 50

The Hartford Business Journal (HBJ) recently named their third annual Power 50 class. For a third consecutive year, members of the School of Public Policy (SPP) network were named to the list. At #10 we find State Department of Consumer Protection Commissioner Michelle Seagull and Deputy Commissioner Andréa Comer. The pair are overseeing the state’s […]

Favorite Course Friday: PP 5304 / PP 3098 Public Policy, Diversity, and Inclusion

Welcome to “Favorite Course Friday”! Throughout the semester we will be highlighting electives available next semester with the Department of Public Policy (DPP). Interested in joining the DPP in the classroom next semester? Email for more information! This course is a management course that will focus on racial disparities, how to measure them, and how to […]

Favorite Course Friday: PP 5344 / PP 4034 Social Policy

Welcome to “Favorite Course Friday”! Throughout the semester we will be highlighting electives available next semester with the Department of Public Policy (DPP). Interested in joining the DPP in the classroom next semester? Email for more information! This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to social policy. Students will examine the power structures […]